Technical Cooperation

Technical Cooperation Project for the Development of Guidelines for Model IPs – Smart IPs towards Eco Orientation and Application of Information Technology in Management and Administration in Ba Ria Vung Tau Province‚ Vietnam (Phase 1) new!

May 20‚ 2024

Yuji AOYAGI‚ Senior Technical Expert

Project implementation StructureiSourceFNippon Koei Co.‚ Ltdj

Panoramic view of an industrial park
Ba Ria Vung Tau Province is located in the south of Vietnam and has abundant reserves of oil and gas. Large-scale investments are being made in industries such as petrochemicals‚ machinery‚ power generation‚ fertilizers‚ and steel.
Meanwhile‚ blessed as it is with a natural environment that includes beaches where people can swim all year round‚ the provincial government has also promoted policies that balance industrial development and environmental protection.
It is formulating a socio-economic development master plan for the period from 2021 to 2030‚ and has stated the purpose of the plan to be gpromoting the establishment of industrial parks that pay due consideration to the environment.h

At the national level‚ the Decree on the Management of Industrial Zones and Economic Zones (Decree 82‚ 2018) has been promulgated‚ and under Decree 35‚ amended in 2022‚ a system has been established to certify industrial parks that are implementing appropriate environmental measures (reduction of pollution sources‚ recycling-oriented production‚ decarbonization) as "eco-industrial parks.h However‚ the guidelines for that certification have yet to be stipulated.

Meeting scene of JCC (Joint Coordination Committee) on Apr.25‚ 2024
This project was therefore launched in September 2023 to formulate draft guidelines for Ba Ria Vung Tau Province ahead of the Thai government and implement a pilot project for two industrial parks‚ with the aim of institutionalizing those guidelines in Ba Ria Vung Tau Province.

The aforementioned Decree 35 states that as a condition for the certification of eco-industrial parks‚ gEnterprises operating at an industrial park must perform at least one industrial symbiosis in which participating enterprises at the industrial park must apply production and environment management systems according to corresponding ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards.h

The Kitakyushu municipal government has been asked for its cooperation since it is implementing eco-town projects based on the concept of industrial symbiosis and cleaner production‚ and has been providing support for eco-industrial parks in Hai Phong City. KITA will participate in this project as an expert on industrial symbiosis (inter-company cooperation such as Kitakyushu Eco-Town)‚ and will hold discussions with institutions and industrial parks in Ba Ria Vung Tau Province‚ hold seminars on Kitakyushu Eco-Town‚ and run two training courses in Japan for provincial government officials and persons involved in industrial parks.