

2025- 03 Training A Start in Getting to Know the Uses of Hydrogen Energy
2025- 03 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Developed Market Oriented Export Promotion Strategy / Marketing Strategy (C)
2025- 03 Overseas Current activity report by returned trainee from Kyrgyz Republic
2025- 03 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Water Environment Administration
2025- 03 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation (A)
2025- 03 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Enhancement of Startup Ecosystem in Regional Cities (B)
2025- 02 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Business Innovation (IoT‚ AI) in the 4th Industrial Revolution
2025- 02 Training Diversity and Flexible Thinking for Food Safety Officials
2025- 02 Friendship Memories of Overseas Trainees in Japan in 2024
2025- 01 Overseas Current activity report by returned trainee from Brazil
2024- 12 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Participatory Management of Water‚ Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) for Rural Areas in African Countries (B)
2024- 12 Overseas Current activity report by returned trainee from Kazakhstan
2024- 12 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; (Japanese Community Training) Japanese Food Business Promotion
2024- 12 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Renewable Energy in Grid (Mainly on Photovoltaic) (B)
2024- 11 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Quality and Productivity Improvement for Enterprise Competitiveness (Basic Kaizen)
2024- 11 Training Opening Up the Future Via Digitalization ; Digital Transformation through ICT (C) for Young Leaders
2024- 11 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Urban Management for Sustainable Urban Development (B)
2024- 11 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Technology for Solid Waste Management with Recycling Promotion for Sound Material-Cycle Society
2024- 10 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Development of Human Resources Adaptable to Industry Needs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2024- 10 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Practical Integrated Water Resources Management for Solving Water Problems
2024- 09 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Food Safety Administration
2024- 09 Overseas Current activity report by returned trainee from Brazil
2024- 08 Overseas Current activity report by returned trainee from Belize
2024- 05 Overseas Current status report by returned trainee from Kosovo
2024- 05 Technical Technical Cooperation Project for the Development of Guidelines for Model IPs – Smart IPs towards Eco Orientation and Application of Information Technology in Management and Administration in Ba Ria Vung Tau Province‚ Vietnam (Phase 1)
2024- 05 Technical Support for the Proper Management of Municipal Waste in Ubon Ratchathani Province‚ Kingdom of Thailand
2024- 04 Training Introduction of Renewable Energy which is a Feasible One Tailored to Actual Conditions in Africa ; Renewable Energy (C) for Young Leaders
2024- 03 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony ; Developed Market Oriented Export Promotion Strategy / Marketing Strategy (C)
2024- 03 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony ; Business Innovation (IoT‚ AI)in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
2024- 02 Friendship Participantsf Demeanor at the Closing Ceremonies and Parties Upon Completion of Their Training Courses
2024- 02 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony ; Urban Management for Sustainable Urban Development (B)
2024- 01 Training A Strong Awareness that Water Resource Issues are a Shared Global Challenge
2024- 01 Training For the Future of Africa ; Participatory Safe Water Management in Rural Areas in African Countries (B)
2024- 01 Overseas Current status report by returned trainee from Mongolia
2023- 12 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony ; Practical Integrated Water Resources Management for Solving Water Problems (B)
2023- 11 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony ;Quality and Productivity Improvement for Enterprise Competitiveness (Basic Kaizen) (A)
2023- 11 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Local Industry Promotion by Cluster Approach (B)
2023- 11 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Food Safety Administration
2023- 10 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Development of Human Resources Adaptable to Industry Needs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
2023- 10 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Urban Management for Sustainable Urban Development (A)
2023- 10 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Enhancement of Entrepreneurship and Startup Ecosystem (A)
2023- 08 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Renewable Energy in Grid -Mainly on Photovoltaic- (A)
2023- 06 Technical The Composting of Food Waste and the Establishment‚ Dissemination‚ Demonstration and Commercialization of a Recycling Loop in the Cameron Highlands‚ Malaysia (Part3)
2023- 06 Technical Project to Promote and Verify a High Efficiency Wastewater Treatment System for Highly Concentrated Organic Wastewater in Haiphong‚ Vietnam (Part3)
2023- 06 Technical Upon Conclusion of the JICA Grassroots Project gImprovement of Solid Waste Management in Phnom Penh Capital‚ Cambodiah
2023- 04 Training My First Time as a Training Course Leader ; Enhancement of Entrepreneurship and Startup Ecosystem (B)
2023- 04 Training The Cheerful Group Learning about Hydrogen; Promotion of Hydrogen Energy Use
2023- 03 Training A Real Sense of Co-Creation at the First Training Course Held in Japan; Business Innovation (IoT‚ AI) in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
2023- 03 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Business Innovation (IoT‚ AI) in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
2023- 02 Training A course that made me appreciate Japan's DNA ; Monozukuri Technology at Japanese Manufacturing Site
2023- 02 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Urban Management for Sustainable Urban Development (B)
2023- 01 Training My struggle to provide a training course in Vietnamese ; Training for sewerage administration
2023- 01 Training Looking back at our training course in Japan after a space of three years ; Management for sustainable urban Development (A)
2022- 11 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Urban Management for Sustainable Urban Development (A)
2022- 10 Speech Thanks speech at closing ceremony; Enhancement of Training Management in Vocational Training Institutions (C)
2022- 10 Training "La educación es amor" Enhancement of Training Management in Vocational Training Institutions (C)
2022- 07 Training yRemote TrainingzPromotion of energy conservation in the industrial sector for Kazakhstan
2022- 07 Training yRemote TrainingzUrban management for sustainable urban development (A)
2022- 01 Technical Progress in the JICA Grassroots Project gImprovement of Solid Waste Management in Phnom Penh Capital‚ Cambodiah (Part 2)
2021- 07 Technical Overseas Business Expansion Support for a System to Manufacture Recycled Aggregate from Concrete Waste (Part 2)
2021- 07 Training Remote Training : a New Experience
2021- 07 Training yRemote TrainingzPromotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation A
2021- 07 Training yRemote TrainingzUrban Management for Sustainable Urban Development A and B
2021- 03 Training International Training in the Post-COVID World
2021- 03 Training Shifting from Training Courses in Japan to Remote Training Courses
2021- 03 Technical High-Performance Wastewater Treatment System for High Concentration Organic Wastewater in Haiphong City‚ Vietnam
2021- 03 Technical Composting of food waste and the establishment of recycling loop in Cameron Highlands‚ Malaysia
2019- 10 Technical Composting of food waste and establishment of recycling loop in Cameron Highlands‚ Malaysia
2019- 10 Technical Start of JICA Grassroots Project‚ gImprovement of Phnom Penh Waste Managementh
2019- 10 Training Food Safety AdministrationhCourse
2018- 12 Overseas Introduction of the exchange with a former participant
2018- 10 Publication hKITA NEWS No.25 (October 2018)g is published.
2018- 09 Overseas Introduction of action plan progress report
2018- 05 Overseas Introduction of training completion report and appreciation
2018- 04 Publication hKITA NEWS No.24 (April 2018)g is published.
2018- 04 Publication hLeaflet explaining KITA (April 2018)g is published.
2018- 02 Overseas Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homeland‚ Yemen
2017- 11 Overseas Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homeland‚ Jordan
2017- 10 Publication hKITA NEWS No.23 (October 2017)g is published.
2017- 07 Overseas Introduction of a exchange with former participants
2017- 06 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandA Kazakhstan"
2017- 04 Publication hKITA NEWS No.22 (April 2017)g is published.
2016- 12 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in her homelandA Philippines"
2016- 10 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandA Kosovo"
2016- 10 Publication hKITA NEWS No.21 (October 2016)g is published.
2016- 06 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandAPapua NewGuinea"
2016- 04 Publication hKITA NEWS No.20 (April 2016)g is published.
2016- 02 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandA Honduras"
2015- 12 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in her homelandA China"
2015- 11 Publication hKITA NEWS No.19 (October 2015)g is published.
2015- 10 Publication hA Commemorative DVD of KITAfs 35th Anniversary is published.
2015- 09 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandA India"
2015- 08 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandA Kosovo"
2015- 07 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in her homelandA Kenya"
2015- 05 Update Renewal of International training courses List & Schedule in FY2015
2015- 04 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in her homelandA Bolivia"
2015- 04 Publication hKITA NEWS No.18 (April 2015)g is published.
2015- 02 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandA Republic of Chile"
2014- 11 Overseas "Introduction of a former participant's current activities in his homelandAPALESTINE"
2014- 11 Publication hKITA NEWS No.17 (October 2014)g is published.
2014- 10 Overseas Following up on the current activities of former participants in their homeland.
2014- 08 Overseas "Introduction of former participants' current activies in their homelandA KOSOVO"
2014- 08 Overseas Following up on the current activities of former participants in their homeland.
2014- 06 Overseas Introduction of former participants playing an active role in their homeland of Chile.
2014- 06 Overseas Following up on the results of JICA training course in Viet Nam.
2014- 05 Publication Information of Issue hKITA NEWS No.16 (April 2014)g
2014- 04 Information KITA was Introduced at the East Asia Knowledge Platform for Low Carbon Growth Luncheon Meeting
2014- 03 Overseas A Report from a Former Participant
2013- 12 Overseas Information of current situation for two former participants from Macedonia and Serbia.
2013- 11 Overseas E-mail exchange with a former participant from Albania
2013- 10 Publication Information of Issue hKITA NEWS No.15 (October 2013)g
2013- 09 Overseas A positive message from a former participant of Kazakhstan
2013- 07 Update Message from KITA's President
2013- 06 Overseas Report from Ms CascoAa former participent
2013- 05 Overseas Report of Field Survey in Viet Nam
2013- 04 Update Renewal of International training courses List & Schedule in FY2013
2013- 04 Publication Information of Issue hKITA NEWS No.14 (April 2013)g